Sunday, September 4, 2022


 Last month wasn't the greatest for getting things done, unfortunately. I still haven't purchased a bike or started on some of the monthly tasks that are supposed to be enjoyable like doing a puzzle and taking a bath. It's been hard to be motivated on anything.

However, I did make progress on empties including 2 FS products and11 DS/foils. I think September will have even more FS empties. We saw Twilight, which while it was very tough subject material, I am glad I saw it. I went to a couple new restaurants: Colette and Geppetto. 

I killed a bottle of Bombay, but still need to take inventory of the collection to keep better track. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with work, so I held off on registering for a PM class. I need to get a better rhythm and schedule to be productive.

Goals for September include: getting a facial, going to the dentist, going to Brimfield, hitting up a late season Sox game, schedule vet appts, schedule acupuncture intake, and spend some time reading/relaxing outside before it gets too cold.